Thursday 15 October 2009

Clay cooking pots & its variations - TAGINE

TAGINE - Moroccan

This is not commonly found in Malaysia as Moroccan food is not widely available. Recently a Moroccan restaurant named The Medina was reviewed in the local paper & my friend, a lover of Moroccan food as he lived there before, was excited to try it out & give his reviews. He ordered lamb with honey & peeled whole almonds tagine. The meat was soft & easily fell off the bone, but the almonds were still hard. The vegetable coucous was delicious. We topped it of with the 'must have' Moroccan tea, served in a small silver teapot & two pint sized glass cups. Aromatic & slightly sweet.

A potter friend has made these utilitarian vessels - TAGINE, used to slow-cook meat or vegetables. It takes approximately 1/2 hour to cook chicken & 1-2 hours for other meats. 

What is tagine & what can it be used to cook?

A new tagine should be cured & seasoned before use. This will strengthen the tagine and insure addition of a distinct flavor to the dish :
  • The new tagine needs to be first submerged in water for at least 1 hour.
  • Rub the inside of the base and lid with olive oil.
  • Put into a cold oven and set temperature at 350 F and leave for 1.5 to 2 hours.
For more on the care of tagine & FAQ

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