A recent article in the papers alerted us to the VERY possible shortage of food in the world -- translating to higher food prices!
Strangely, one of the reasons being the increasing use of 'bio-fuel' as the alternative to petroleum as fuel to run cars, which by itself should be a GOOD THING (to quote Martha Stewart) -- you know, ... more eco-friendly, less dependency on petroleum.. thus reducing world's demand on the limited (less wars, less invasion...) oil resource. But production of 'bio-fuel', an potentially lucrative industry is depriving the world of its much needed food source (oil palm, corn), thus jacking up the price of these staple foods. Many poorer countries may not be able to afford it, unable to feed their population.
IRONICALLY, when one part of the world is worried about food shortage, we (I, specifically, Malaysians, in general) have been worried about over-consumption of food! (getting FAT, OBESE) ... Buffet lines, open houses, wedding dinners, 24-hour eateries, Ramadan (fasting month) spread....
And talking about buffets & hotel dinners : WHAT HAPPENS to un-finished food..?? I ask this every year to the hotel sales reps when organising our company dinner? Can we 'ta-pau' (pack & take home) the leftovers? NO! "We have to throw them away... company policy.. health guidelines...", they say. Anyone who has attended a wedding dinner can attest to the huge amount of food served (it is expected - any less will get complains from the guests) and groom who pays for it will attest to the huge $ tag!!
Although, in all fairness, smaller restaurants will usually arrange for extra food to packed & distributed to guests.
THEN, there are people who simply don't eat leftovers!! Not even if it's the previous meal. They simply throw the un-eaten food after every meal!
AND, what about those picky people who 'play' with their food or just 'dig a hole' in their lunch (eat a bit) and leave the rest on the plate because just because it is not to their liking or it has turned cold.
AND.. those who just cannot refuse FREE (or free-flowing like in a buffet) food... they must pile their plate with everything their 'eye' desires and then abandon it once they are full... Just because they paid for it, they must take as much as possible...